Article 32-The Soul of Indian constitution 100% successful democracy of our nation, makes our nation ideal for other countries. Article 32, in Constitution of India provides equal Rights to all citizen without any discrimination. India has wide variety of diversity, as, well as, it is very difficult to handle such, a Nation, with a huge population with having, social and cultural difference. Furthermore, Supreme court of India has provided Right to equality to all citizen. In this article I will discuss article 32 under Indian constitution, known as “SOUL OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION.” Indian judiciary system. For maintaining peace, and harmony in the Nation, Indian Judiciary system has been organize for functioning, at different level such as in District level, state level, and National level. Furthermore, Supreme court of India is the highest level court which regulates, all the rules and regulations at National level, Therefore, After Supreme COURT, HIGH Court is the se...
Chapter 1:- Introduction to the Lost Kingdom of Mithila. Once upon a time, a beautiful kingdom was situated in the foothill of Himalayan mountains called Tirutha/Videha/Mithilanchal. King was very kind and serving nature, he loves his country and citizens. The beautiful valley of Mithila was surrounded by 7 rivers like oceans which protects the kingdom. Citizen was religious and cultured. Society was so advanced that before 50000000 years ago they developed a drainage system, and water transport and advanced agriculture technology. They have the world’s best schooling system, the governing body, banks, and ancient research equipment’s. People’s from different parts of the world’s come to attain the knowledge to Mithilanchal. Kingdom has been destroyed after Dwaper Yoga or after the golden age. Election and kings. In the ancient age, they have developed the system of election, And should be regarded as the 1st autocratic country. King was elected in two ways:- ...